the originals


a wise man once said that the quality human beins only looks 4 themselves 2 find out but the junks only looks 4 their equals 2 find out
so nightmare lore is about refusing what u been told 2 do right thing or what u been served n said that is right and acording 2 nightmare lore says they r all shimmering illusions 2 destroy that individuals athuenticity and why bcus why is 2 control of course bcus the society cant make that individual as a servants if they cant control and in order 2 do that the systems has 2 bribe and has 2 make indiviudal 2 admire 2 whats been served out or 2 whats been released out there
so according 2 nightmare lore step out of this is not a lost or not a weakness buıt its clearity and its the only true srength bcus only this boots authenticty only this boots the orginialism and according 2 thje the nightmare lore the back fire is an act of bein aliwe in ewery manner and the best backing fire comes with bein original with accurate passion
and according 2 nightmore lote ewerything and every bein acceptrs this it is just a validation mechanism and they hawe 2 acept some valdiation in order to keep their lifes on planet earth and so