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The Originals 


**Reborn  Technology**

normal seciton is clear information aboujt whats upo and whats goin on and it has clear interface and without out details adn without the depths of the sea 


spectral seciton is clwearf in tereface mode as well but comparing  with normal it has some details about high end stuff and it has  different interface 


Fanatism secion is where the fun and depth of the sea starts and it starts with yamato orignis  interface and it has details about products and general template about whats up and what will be in the future details 


as for the Nightmare seciton  its the original  yamatıo interface and content and it has ewerything so it chokes with details with everyh aspect with every  kinda details about products and  about raw materials and  about projects and aboujt new pesrpectiwes 


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choose interface & content 
meet with genowa
yamatos AI operator 

Yamato Technology

Yamato Technology

Normal section is  about executing the thinmgs with a regular interface along with a 

standart content of details 


much more clear and not much of a detailed floor all aorund the place 


but if you say that you would like 2 see some more details then you can move 2 fanatism section 

listen from genowa 

Track NameArtist Name
00:00 / 01:04
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say hi
& meet 

genowa is AI yamato operator 


builded with arhcitecture of dynamic perspectives 2 respond and guide visitors around the place 

Track NameArtist Name
00:00 / 01:04
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