the originals


Yamato website icons and meanings

this symbol icon is for to announce mech details about the section

this symbol is for to announce upcoming innovations and new prodcuts news

this symbol icon is for to announce section selection which means that when you click it then you can go to section selection paghe instantly

this symbol icon is for to announce Yamato s Lore pages

this symbol icon is about to announce Yamato s AI operator genowa

this symbol icon is about to announce Yamato s projects

Yamato website General icons and meanings
Home buttons is easy acces to your selected secyiopn home page when you are walkin around in another pages with one cliÅŸck you can return to you selected sections home page instantly
Back top buttons are about wherever you are it takes you top of the page instantly
this symbol icon is for to annouınce download sections

Yamato Slyvian Section