top of page
nightmare ruins imageee_edited_edited_ed
nightmare warrior imageee_edited.jpg
nightmare birds imageee_edited.png
nightmare red l2nd leafs imageee_edited.
dragon 3_edited.jpg
zeus major imageee_edited.png
the nightmare -- elf woman in wall image
rain wector  image_edited.png
water template imagee _edited.png
the nightmare gold chain imageee_edited.
the nightmare parchements imageee_edited
the nightmare 1st ruins imageee_edited_e
the nightmareee leafss
the nightmaree purple leafss imageee_edi
the nigtmare 2nd parchment  imageee_edit

  Yamato Reborn Technology   

the nightmare section parchment imageee_

the Crane hook Menu information 

the nightmare crane hook imageee_edited.
yamato the nightmare creed button imagee

yamato technology description is NOT 2 create or provide the items  which could help you in your ordinary life 


​yamato technology description is  2 create or provide the items  

​which could

change your perspective and understanding 2 another stages and levels so that life cant be ordinary anymore 



nightmare seal imageee_edited.png

for to see yamato website with full view ​those screen resolutions are recomenned to see website    

                                                1280 x 720 

                                                1600 x 900 

                                                1920 x 1080

                                                2560 x 1440




you can click letters 2 move 2  sections 

Our Story

And the sign said

"The words of the prophets
Are written on the subway walls

And tenement halls




nightmare seal imageee_edited.png
the nightmare zeus 1st
the nightmare 12st water image_edited_ed
japanese flag
the usa flag

the Nightmare Section is high content high details high grapchis interface n this is whats up n this section is all about the original yamato content with full of details about whats been n whats about 2 be n its the original yamatos content right 2 soul 2 the


the nightmare 3rd chain imageee_edited.p
the nightmare skull pain is lowe imageee
the nightmare the 2nd 3rd pain is lowe i

   the  Nightmare      

the nightmare 3rd chain imageee_edited.p
the nightmare 2nd leaf imageee_edited_ed
the nightmare red gladius sword imageee_
the nightmare red leafs 2nd imagee_edite
red ivy leaf imageee_edited_edited_edite
rain wector  image_edited.png
the nightmare 2nd crack




indir (38)_edited_edited_edited_edited.png

 this is the nightmare section so it has   high details about everything and as 

 a content and with the interface and   its  along with CGI efects  so it may take 3 second of page loadin  time at sometimes acorin 2 your hardware and connections and such so  

 so since the nightmare section alot of   content n CGI screens so its advised   that some system requirements whichs   its adviced 2 hawe  SD harddrivesn around 32gb ram or more n I3 103770   cpu or higher n 4gb 128mg gpu or higher   is advised 2 hang around this section  

the nightmare skull pain is lowe imageee
 The NightmarE 
zeus 5 imageee_edited.jpg
nightmare norse 3 imageee.jpg

a wise man once said that the quality human  beins only looks 4 themselves 2 find out but the junks only looks 4 their equals 2 find out  


so nightmare lore is about refusing what u been told 2 do right thing or what u been served n said that is right and acording  2 nightmare lore says they r all shimmering illusions 2  destroy that individuals athuenticity and why bcus why is 2 control of course bcus the society cant make that individual as a servants if they cant control and in order 2 do that the systems has 2 bribe and has 2 make indiviudal 2 admire 2 whats been served out or 2 whats been released out there 


so according 2 nightmare lore  step out of this is not a lost or not a weakness buıt its clearity and its the only  true srength bcus only this boots authenticty only this boots the orginialism  and according 2 thje   the  nightmare lore the back fire is an act of bein aliwe in ewery manner  and the best backing fire comes  with bein original with accurate passion 


and according 2 nightmore lote ewerything and every bein acceptrs this it is just a validation mechanism and they hawe 2 acept some valdiation in order to keep their lifes  on planet earth and so 

Enter Nightmare Lore
NightmarE LorE
nightmare 3 water tem plate imageee_edit


carbon 1st imageee.jpg


to Our Site

Welcome to Yamato - the ultimate destination for high-end carbon headsets! Our advanced technology provides unparalleled sound quality and comfort, making us the top choice for audio enthusiasts. Upgrade your listening experience with Yamato today!

sub menu


chain image 112_edited.jpg

Our Patches 

Yamato red  Dragon  Logo_edited.jpg
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the bone structure
yamato brand dragon logo

the bone structure 

Carbon Audio headsets are crafted with a cutting-edge bone structure hardware system that is specifically engineered to deliver an unparalleled listening experience. The innovative design of these headsets ensures that they offer exceptional sound quality and comfort, making them the ideal choice for anyone who values both style and functionality. Whether you're using them to listen to music and experience the diverse sound dynamics 

Carbon Audio headsets are the perfect accessory for those who demand the best in audio technology.

nightmare nigh elf image_edited.jpg
the nightmare fallin water imageee.jpg
yamato dragon logo
the nightmaree leaf imageee_edited_edite


yamato supports those funds 
the veterans fund
animal legal defense fund
seattle homeless outreach image
national  veterans foundation
international fund for animal welfare
hand-drawn-flower-decorative 112_edited_
yamato also supports ELF
ELF logo imageeeee.png
world food programme org
Meet with Genowa 
Yamato AI operator 
Abstract Futuristic Background
Welcome to the future of hardware crafting! At Yamato, we specialize in creating top-quality hardware using carbon materials and high-end crafting skills. Our projects are designed to be innovative, high-performing and long-lasting. Check them out below and see the potential of technology brought to life.
the nightmare street cat imageee_edited.
the nightmare 2nd zeusss imageee_edited.
nightmare 2 water template imageee_edite
the nightmare rain of fire logo imageee.webp
the Nightmare Specs
the nightmare specs
the hardiness
nightmare hardiness spec imageee.webp
the nightmare section has wired differently with solid craft architecture and craft based chasis and that means it aint needs speed booster like many web pages it has 3 secons of load  load time  and it aint laggs  and aint freezes  and it has perfectly functonail scroll iin page menu at the top of the page      
nightmare specs starfall imageee.webp
the nightmare section has multiple menu options like a rain in  the sectiion theres main menu theres nightmare lore menu theres crane menu and theres in  page scroll menu 4 users 
the nightare touchh logo imageee.jpg
the nightmare section has 1 main menu 1 sub menu 1 inside the page scroll menu and 1 altanrate menu and 1 opitonal altrarnate main page a twilight seciton with different specs along with cgi interface and high graphics 
the nihtmare night sage logo imageee_edi
nightmare section has dark mode and meta mode 4 2 adjust  interface backround 2 darker colours 4 better reading a nights or in difrenet enwiroments and its a display setting that alters the color scheme of a user interface    
the nghtmare the nightare power logo ima
nightmare section has majestic craftsman of website arcitecture  and engineering  n despite 2 its heavy cgi and graphicc content nightmae section has great load speed so no laggs  n has %50 faster loading speed at nights acxording 2 the web speed calculator sites    
the nightmare blood night imageee_edited
in the nightmare section in the nightmare lore and nightmare creed about those sections pages in those pages the explanation raading statements lore tellings might hawe english slang language 4 the better  expressions 2 explain  4 2 tell statements 
phantom twins 
he nightmare phantom logo imageee_edited
the nightmare section whichs this main page has phantom asistant named twilight --- the nightmare main page has high graphics mid content and the twilight has mid graphics and high content  
the nights dagger 
the nightmare nightdagger logo imageee_e
the nightmare section has high graphics and intense content which would mean heawy load but it has still thriwes still shiwers on with between 2 seconds 3 second of load speeds   
the nightmare dragon elite logo imageee_
he nightmare northsage
nightare water 5 template imageee_edited
nightmare norse 2 imageee.jpg
nightmare norse imageee.jpg
    website metrics   

    NightMare section website performans point   = 87                                 
first contenful paint = 0.8 seconds                                                                     
blockin time = 80 ms                                                                                                           
Speed index = 2.6 seconds 

Largest Contentfulk pain = 1.6 seconds 
    Cumlulative Layout shift = 0.043 

 Structrure   =  84 

Accesibility  = 92                  
the nightmare fallin water imageee_edite
  website Laod times in USA
   Seattle  =   2. 22 seconds                     

   denver =  2.87 seconds

   boston =  3 seconds 

   washington DC = 3. 20 seconds 

   minneapolis =   2. 70 seconds 


  website Laod times general  
   Istanbul =   2  seconds  
   Strassbourg = 
 2. 61  seconds       

   Amsterdam =   2. 63  seconds 

    London =   2. 71  seconds 

    Tel Aviv =  3  seconds 

    Bogota =   3. 42  seconds