the originals
The Originals
**Reborn Technology**
select interface & content
Normal section is with regular interface regular content --- it has mid details clean view and basic understandable content with formal expressions
Nightmare section is the orginal yamato expressions and sometimes that not be formal expressions and it has super high details about every sections its the original yamato spirit 2 the bones
for to see the full size of this YAMATO s Website its important that you add windwos resizer extension to google chrome and thats how users can change screen sizez and resolutions for to see full site and heres the some resolution and sizes that you can see full size of the website and the site is best at following resolutions and sizes
1280 x 720
1600 x 900
1920 x 1080
and if theres in case of need then heres the link that you can add windows re-sizer to your gogle chrome
yamato technology is about high end HI-FI and PC auido hedsets and PC liquid cooling systems and diverse technology hardware
yamato is also has expertism about carbon raw materials --- since high end audio yamato s headsetssare carbon chasis based products
so theres detailed infoırmation about those diverse carbon materials and raw materilas are in the FORGE section in normal and nightmare sections
Normal section is the yamato orginial website with a clean interface along with common english explanations goes with regular interface and content
in normal section details about coming products and other things are optimized and regular contgent goes with clear interface
clear interface with normal details and if you are lookin easy understandable then you can select normal section ​
Nightmare is about full details and upcoıming future project details and in some parts it might hawe some of slang language for to express some subjects
Nightmare section has full content with intense details and the interface might seem little complex for some users
and the content is about high details about everything
so if you like to see full details then you can select the nightmare section
and theres an extra section about nightmare section and its called Nightmare Extra
this section will be aboujt high end carbon limited audio headsets
this section will be about limited products and also in this section there will be projects about future high end prodcuts
and it will also include CGI movies and yamato movie projects
so this section will be about limited high end prodcuts and furute high end prodcuts projects and CGI movies and future yamato movie projects and it will be reachable from nightmare sections
those who newer leave their benefits are the ones who wont be able 2 see whats there beyond of the purple skies thru the horizons